Forget Mocks – We have now arrived in March, things are starting to get scary and you may be an individual who is still affected by their mock results – positively or negatively. Whatever your mock results were, be completely honest with me: how much effort did you really put in to them? 20, 40, 60, 80 or even 100% I don’t know, but before I continue with my point watch the video and then continue reading:
I hope you enjoyed the exam motivational video. Let’s get back into the conversation regarding ‘effort’. A select few of you may have put in 100% but the majority of you are sat around the 50% mark, especially when I posed this question on Snapchat. Whatever your percentage is you need to ask yourself: can I increase it? We shouldn’t let our mock results get us down. In fact, if you didn’t try too hard, those mocks don’t determine your future anymore, they are gone, forget them!
All you need to do now is increase your work rate and the percentage of effort you are putting in to your exams, sounds easier said than done right? Even so it NEEDS to be done, time is running out but you still have time to make a significant difference.
If you are struggling then you can always reach out to me, I will try answer as many questions as I can. Or you can use the resources at your school more effectively: lesson time, after school revision clubs, teacher support etc.
It’s all there but it starts with you, so it is time to step up…start NOW!
Remember: you can’t have excuses and results at the same time, one or the other? You choose. Start NOW!
For bookings please email me personally on and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.
Forget Mocks