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Devizes School Motivation – Today I had the opportunity to talk at Devizes School; running a motivational assembly and workshop for the first time to year 10. The motivational sessions were based around raising aspirations, increasing and maintaining motivational levels. I also had the opportunity to motivate the year 11s again for the 3rd time; I discussed pressure and time management leading up to the exams. Here are some of the motivational messages I received from the students:

” Great session mate, I’m glad you came to help my things out. Thanks. ”

” When I saw you I thought honestly omg this is gonna be so boring another lecture ughh, but when you started talking I could relate a lot to what you were saying and you actually inspired me a lot and taught me to feel more confident in my grades ”

Devizes School Motivation - Cameron Parker

” Honestly man you was insane ”

” Thankyou the talk was real ”

” Thank you so much for the motivation ”

” Thank you so much for the speech today really made me look ahead ”

” It was so sick, ngl I’m kinda like you when it comes to school like I’ve already given up with revision and I haven’t got to year 11 yet! Me and school don’t mix at all and I pretty much don’t get along with most of the teachers and get in a lot of trouble but today made me realise that I do need to stick my head down and focus to actually achieve something in my life! but you don’t need exams to become successful in everything… just sticking with that for now ahahah, Thankyou for the assemble was sick ”

” honestly man U get me so motivated ”

” Hey, really enjoyed your talk today, you’ve made me think a lot about the way I should and shouldn’t act in school, I’ve seen a few of your videos and i think its going to help me out a lot with exam stress and revision. So thanks a lot ”

“well as today i was really ill sat at the back trying to be positive you really did show what I’m doing wrong. I need to revise more and actually get 8hour of sleeping, I’m screed for my GCSE’s but after school tomorrow I’m going to do some revision!! Thank you for coming see you soon!! ”

” I loved that assembly today you where great ”

There you have it; the focus will always be impact and value, therefore if you would like to book me in for a motivational speech then please email me personally on and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Devizes School Motivation – Cameron Parker

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