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Motivational Speaker In Dudley And Wiltshire – Impact and value will always be my focus; here are some great messages I have received from Wiltshire College, Ellowes Hall Sports College and Somervale School students:

“I’m from Lackham College in the afternoon; I found your talk absolutely amazing, you are an inspiration and a incredible man”

Wiltshire College Motivation

“You were really good today at my college even know I heard the stories before but I enjoyed listening to it all again. It was a pleasure listening to you as you are really inspiring and keep doing what you do”

“Hey Cameron you came to my college the other day and I don’t know if you saw me or not but I wasn’t really interested in what you were talking because i thought I heard it all before and now I am thinking that I should go for what I want to do in life and stick to what I want, thank you very much, I just needed to get it off my chest”

“Thank you for coming in to my school today (Ellowes hall) everything you said made me think deeper than I normally would and now I see school as more of a positive thing. I’m going to try and live with no what ifs and no regrets. So thank you I had a wonderful time in the assembly and workshops”

Motivational Speaker In Dudley And Wiltshire“When you came to that school (Somervale), was the day you inspired me to want to follow my dream in becoming a professional footballer. Since then, I’ve moved 150 miles away from my family, to get better football training, trials, and football opportunities, than k you for that”

“You were great at college, it was lovely”

You are such an inspiring person, I hope you do insanely well in life and follow your dreams! I see your snaps everyday and chuckle  and know you are a fab person looking out for people and making them think correctly instead of negativity”

If you are searching for guaranteed impact and value in your school then email me personally on

Motivational Speaker In Dudley And Wiltshire Motivational Speaker In Dudley And Wiltshire

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