8 Years of Impact after a School Visit – Impact is a common word that continues to come up in education and rightly so. In our Power Programme we measure everything to ensure our programme is a success and there is impact. As we are great believers that:
“If you can’t measure it then you can’t manage it”
However, in my line of work there are many aspects you can’t measure. For example, receiving positive messages from students on social media. It is not a clear way to display impact, but it is still great to know we have supported someone.
I would like to provide you with another example. Today I was at Bristol Airport, ready to fly to Newcastle for Co
mmunity Champion Awards evening. Going through security, my bag was flagged, therefore they needed to do a search on my bag.
I can confirm there was nothing in my bag. But the airport security officer said he recognised me from his school, Broadland Academy. He said he still remembers our sessions we ran in his school nearly 8 years ago.
He said my sessions had a huge impact on him, and he is now involved in the work that he wanted to get into, security. It was a really positive conversation, and by the looks of it, it brightened up both of our days.
So why am I sharing this story with you. It’s quite simple really, this isn’t about me or the young man at the airport. This is about you, whether you are a teenager or an adult, we are in a position to have a positive impact on people’s lives. Yes you, everybody.
Whether it is a small act of kindness, being patience with people or smiling and being polite. Small gestures can go a long way, and it is something we can all do more of.
Food for thought, I hope you are all enjoying your summer and I will see you in the nw academic year.