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Motivational Speaking in Swindon and Slough Schools – Over the last two weeks I have had the opportunity to run motivational sessions in many schools up and down the UK. The main focus this time of the year has been year 11s; however I want to shine light on year 9s, especially as I have been working with Beechwood School in Slough and Nova Hreod Academy in Swindon. The feedback and impact of both motivational sessions have been incredible, please read the

Motivational Speaker in Slough

messages I received from students via social media below:

“Hi I’m a student from Nova Hreod, you went there today and I just need to say. I’ve been having a lot of problems with worrying about grades and how my parents will feel, and your talk really made me feel like I should keep my head high and chin up”

“It was amazing and so funny. I felt really motivated afterwards to change the way I act in school”

“Thanks for today! The assembly was very good and it motivated me a lot”

“You are a good motivational speaker and I took that I need to focus more and revise more so I can get good GCSE grades”

“Thank you for coming in today! You really motivated me to actually dig deep and focus more on my education. It really helped thank you so much”

“That’s my school, the assembly was amazing and the workshop was so good! Thank you!”

“My personal opinion I think you are really inspirational”

“Your talk was amazing I loved it and it was funny. It also made me rethink how I’m approaching certain lessons and work harder in them”

“Great talk. Inspired me to try really hard in school.”

“Thank you for the inspiration to try harder in my lessons I don’t like”

“You were a great influence”

“You was so inspiring and I’m going to be good in all my lessons”

“I got a lot of inspiration from the presentation you did”

“It was really inspirational and it’s made me want to focus a lot more and work hard to achieve the things I want to achieve.”

“I thought it was inspirational and a great speech”

“Was really good and very interesting this morning”

February, March and April are shaping up to be an unbelievable couple of months. If you would like to see similar impact and value in your school then email me personally on and I will be in touch shortly. Until then, keep up the great work.

Motivational Speaking Impact in Swindon and Slough Schools

Motivational Speaking in Swindon and Slough Schools

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