Leeds Motivational Speaker – Recently I had the opportunity to spend the day in Leeds; motivating the year 9 students at Crawshaw Academy. The focus was on the transition from year 9 to year 10; before the students undertake their GCSE’s.
“I just thought I’d message you to give you my opinion of what you did today! I thought you were really good! Everything you said was extremely inspiring and motivating. Thank you for coming to talk to my year and thanks for giving us that talk that has really motivated me for year 10”
“It was a boost to my confidence and I feel more ready for GCSEs and everything after, and it was more interesting than the other talks we have had”
“Hi Cameron, I go to Crawshaw Academy and I was there for your talks today. I found it really interesting and inspiring, you have made me realise that I need to priortise my grades and education much more. To be honest, recently I’ve been acting like I couldn’t care less about my GCSE’s but I know I need to change my attitude to school.”
“It was good, you was funny, keep up the good work, you are awesome”
“Yesterday was really good! Thank you so much, it’s really inspired and definitely pushing me to come out of my comfort zone”
“Thanks for the talk today at Crawshaw, it was really helpful!”
“Your story was inspiring and it helped motivate. Also I liked the activity you did like asking what we want in 2 – 10 years and what we don’t want it got people thinking what I thought was good”
“You were a very powerful speaker it was funny and the fact it was a true story made it really powerful”
Next academic year is shaping up to be a great one; if you are looking for lasting impact and value in your school then email me personally on cam@cameron-parker.com Can’t wait to hear from you; but act now, I would hate for your students to miss out.
Leeds Motivational Speaker