Teenagers saved my LIFE – That is a big statement, right? You are probably thinking how did this happen? Let me explain, 6 – 7 years ago I was ready to throw the towel in nearly every day for about a year.
When I say throw the towel in, I mean on life! Deep right? You are probably thinking, that’s not positive is it, especially as most people have a perception of what or how a motivational speaker should be.
I get it but in this case, no, everything I share about myself is facts and it is REAL!
The truth is I still struggle with my mental health, I still experience self-doubt and fear can sometimes stop me! I always feel nervous sharing this type of thing, but everything I mentioned above makes me an even better coach.
Yes I am experienced and qualified in my field but the younger generation is not stupid, they want what’s real. Teenagers always tell me I inspire them but the truth is they inspire me!
They helped me crawl out of the dark hole I was in. My dream gave me something to focus on and it is something I am extremely passionate about. There is no better feeling when a teenager has followed your goal-setting process, strategies, and tools and now they are genuinely happy, whilst heading in their desired direction.
This isn’t a ‘sorry for me post’ this is more of a ‘check in on your strong friend’ type of post! We don’t know who is struggling out there, we don’t know who may need our help. We have to understand for some people it is easier to put on a fake smile than it is to tell their family or friends they are struggling. So I say it again, check in on your STRONG friend!!
Final note and I want to squeeze this in. I think the younger generation is incredible and will change the world for the better!
They changed me