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Schools Motivational Speaker – Impact after 6 Years – Thank you for tuning into this blog. It’s going to be a short one, but I just needed to share this message with you. This student was in one of my motivational speeches, and now at 22 years old he has finally benefited from the message we are sharing. For context, here is the message from Instagram:

“Hi Cameron, I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything you’re doing. you come to my school about 5 to 6 years ago. But I was surrounded by the wrong people and I followed the crowd. I just thought you were a waste of time and was laughing at you with them. In the past 6 months I have left these negative people and started looking at life so so differently. I think what you are doing is amazing and you’re trying to change the way people look at life and I love it so much. So carry on doing what you are doing. I love how you don’t care about what anyone will think of you. Thank you.”

I think this is an incredible message. The journey this student has been on is mind-blowing. To take responsibility and step up in such a way is nothing but exceptional.

This is just a reminder for anyone working in education. Keep your standards and expectations high. Yes, students might complain, laugh and hate what you are delivering at the time. However, it is our job to continue delivering with passion, value and with an open mind. We are not trying to be their friends, we are there to provide students with the tools, resources and knowledge to excel.

Things might not click with the students straight away. That is why consistency is paramount. I have learned you can’t always get it right, and sometimes I can be way to hard on myself, however messages like this remind me why I do what I do.

Always, I told you it was a short one. Remember high standards and expectations, always. If you need anything, please email my PA at

Schools Motivational Speaker - Impact after 6 YearsSchools Motivational Speaker – Impact after 6 Years

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