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Student Impact after working with a Motivational Speaker – Welcome back to a short post. I have to share with you a students message I received on Instagram. I worked with this student for 2 years on the Power Programme, the progress he made was second to none.

My intention is to always set my students up for success once they leave me. As most of you reading this who work in education will know. You don’t always know where the student ends up once they walk out the gate for the last time. When I first met this student he was struggling. His 3 biggest challenges we worked on was his mental health, academic performance and friendships.

Below is the message I received:

“Hey Cam, I hope you remember me. But I just wanted to message you to say thank you. Without the words of wisdom you gave me over the conversations and assemblies we had, I don’t think I would be in the place I am. Where I can say I passed all my GCSE’s with flying colours compared to to when I first met you and I was predicted to fail all of them. To think now my first year of college is nearly done, I don’t think I could have possibly got to the point I’m at without your wise words. I appreciate you helping me save and change my life.”

The message shows the impact we are having within schools and the journey we take the students on. This message is great for my ego, but the truth is I can’t take the credit. I didn’t do the work, the student did. They made a decision to use the tools and resources provided. They decided to step up and change their life. You can rarely think yourself out of a bad situation, action is the answer.

This student removed all excuses, took responsibility and now their future looks different. There is no doubt, this message made me happy. I couldn’t be prouder for him and I truly believe his future is bright.

We don’t normally measure impact through messages. We measure attendance, behaviour, progress 8 and soft data. However, it is great to know what we are doing is working 1 year on.

For bookings and enquiries contact us on and make sure you check out the Power Programme. Programme designed to close the attainment gap in schools working with Pupil Premium students.

Student Impact after working with a Motivational Speaker

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