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Motivational Speaker Leicester – Last week the UK’s #1 ‘Schools Motivational Speaker’ Cameron Parker had the opportunity to inspire the year 11s & 10s at Fullhurst Community College in Leicester. The two sessions went incredible and every student was engaged. The feedback has been second to none, here is a testimonial from the Deputy Principle Tom Hague:

“Cameron engaged our yearFullhurst community college in Leicester motivational speaker 11 students in the assembly, and then later our year 10 students in the workshop, through his very relatable approach. His manner allowed the students to be at ease, and he held the attention of the room really well. Feedback from staff and students the fully day was overwhelming positive.”

Here are some of the best student messages Cameron received on social media:

“Thank you so much for today, you have really motivated and inspired me to do the best I can and not to be disappointed with the outcome, as long as I do my absolute best”

“Thank you for the talk you just did, it was honestly nice to hear from someone that isn’t always so pushy. It was calming and it really helped my confidence. Thank you so so so much.”

 “Very inspirational and made me think about my exams and where I want to go in the future”

“Your talk was very inspirational and made me think about my exams and where I want to go in the future”

“Loved your talk, any tips on time management?”
Motivational Speaker Leicester
“You’re amazing speaker, I like how you understood you can’t change everyones situation but you can try to change their life”
“Anything’s better than double French first thing on a Tuesday but that wasn’t the best bit, the best bit was knowing that you’ve got experience of life and how you were telling us how it is and how to get far”
Cameron’s diary is rapidly filling up; therefore you need to be quick if you would like to book Cameron, then please email us at

Motivational Speaker Leicester

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