Motivational Speaker East Point Academy – Motivational speaker Cameron Parker Wrapped up September by running motivational assemblies in Lowestoft Suffolk. Cameron inspired the GCSE students from East Point Academy; year 10 and year 11 responded very well, and the feedback has been incredible. The teachers are already pushing ‘Take Your Place‘ to get Cameron booked in again; they want Cameron to come back and work with their students through motivational workshops. Below are some student messages Cameron Received:
“Thank you for an amazing assembly at East Point, you were great, very inspiring”
“You’re welcome! By the way I am like how you use to be, I’m doing awful in school at the minute but after your story today I’m really going to try and turn things around”
“Thank you so much for your talk today, was really inspiring to hear your story and to hear how you’ve achieved what you’ve set your mind too. Was quality bro, really opened my eyes!”
“Hi. I just wanted to say that you came to my school last week, EPA, and am a massive fan of yours and think that you are a big inspiration to others”
“Your speech was so inspirational. I genuinely thought it was going to be a boring talk but I took all that information in as I think it will really help me in my future. I thought it was going to be one of them boring talks but it wasn’t, I actually listen to all the information. I liked how you interacted with your audience such as an inspiration and interesting talk”
We understand that year 10 and year 11 are extremely important years for your students; therefore it is essential they develop a winning mindset, and strategies to ensure their GCSE’s are a huge success. Cameron has had huge success working with schools all around the UK; therefore if you would like to see a similar response to above from your students then email us now for bookings and we can get you booked in ASAP, until then, keep up the inspiring work.
Motivational Speaker East Point Academy