Stop Operating at 50% and Really Show Up – This week you are in for a treat! I will be sharing with you one key lesson I discovered from Conor McGregor’s recent defeat against Nate Diaz in an inspirational video. Before I continue you must watch the video, see below;
As you can see I don’t hold back in the video, why? Because this is a topic I am extremely passionate about. Lessons can be adopted through nearly any experience we encounter, especially through defeat. There are many things that can be taken away from Conor’s previous fight, however I pin point one specific thing, and tailor it towards how you can apply it to your life.
I want you to understand what level you are currently showing up at in your life. I work with thousands of people each year; a common tendency I find, people only operate at mediocre level to get by, they are not striving.
‘Really showing up’ can have a massive affect on your life, when you decide to make this decision you will start to benefit in many ways.
You will develop characteristics that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Plus, you will naturally create an aura around yourself; controlling your own life and not allowing external influences to get in the way of you and your goal.
I understand it is easier said than done, I respect that thought but I have created strategies which are designed to turn this idea of ‘Really Showing Up’ into reality.
I share this in my motivational sessions at schools and also within my online #TeamHUD program for adults .
Enjoy the video, please feel free to share, comment and like on whatever domain you are watching it on. If you are looking for support in this area and want to book me, email me personally on I will respond within 24-hours. Please be aware my schedule is rapidly filling up, but if you are serious I know I can fit you in.
Stop Operating at 50% and Really Show Up